Monday, October 27, 2008

Isiah Thomas - overdose?

According to the Police, Isiah Thomas was brought to the hospital to be treated for an overdose of sleeping pills. What is strange about the story is Thomas is claiming it's his daughter - not him.
It "wasn't an overdose," he told the newspaper. "My daughter is very down right now. None of us are OK."

"My cops ... know the difference between a 47-year-old black male and a young black female," [Police Chief David] Hall said.

"It wasn't his daughter," Harrison Police Chief David Hall told The Associated Press. "And why they're throwing her under the bus is beyond my ability to understand."
The police are calling the OD "accidental" so why would he throw his daughter "under the bus"? Parents are supposed to protect their children, aren't they? This makes no sense to me. But there isn't much that Thomas has done (post-playing career) that has made sense.

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